06 August 2014

National Root Beer Float Day

I frequently see posts on Twitter and Facebook stating it's National {fill in the name of the food or beverage}  Day.  I wondered if there was an official list or if someone was randomly making selecting the food or beverage to be honored.   A little researching led me to The Nibbble - this site has a list of food or beverage celebrations by month.  Today, it turns out, is National Root Beer Float Day.  When was the last time you had a root beer float?

Below are the dates for the National Food Holidays from 1 August to the end of this week.  Which holidays will you celebrate?
image courtesy of the internet
I'll start posting Food Holidays on a regular basis. Bon appetit!

Be well,
Technicolor girl

1 comment:

  1. Good to find out about these Food Holidays. Thanks
